Mgr. Vojtěch Zavadil

Junior Associate

Vojtěch Zavadil specialises in intellectual property law, ICT and modern technology law, media law, European private international law and the introduction of electronic juridical acts and processes.

In intellectual property law, he focuses on copyright and industrial property law, including cross-border aspects of protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights and transactional advice in connection with the acquisition of intellectual property. His focus also includes artificial intelligence in the context of intellectual property, compulsory/extended collective management issues and patents. In connection with the acquisition or sale of patents, he provides transactional advice.

In technology law, he focuses on legal and regulatory aspects of the provision of software and IT services, software licensing as well as delivery and implementation of IT solutions, including their servicing, cybersecurity, paperless issues, and e-government. As regards electronic juridical acts, he advises on the introduction of paperless juridical acts in public and private organisations. In media law, he focuses on liability for digital content.